
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Where Kekkonen jumped

Would you like to spare with Finland's legendary president Urho Kekkonen? Then you should come to Seurasaari

Urho Kekkonen's fitness stairs

At the Southern end of the island on the side towards the center you find a flight of stairs. Those used to be the old president's fitness stairs. As part of his regular jog around the island he would always stop here and see how high he could jump. The goal was to reach the highest, the seventh step. One time he succeeded. Only with the help of the railing though. But without support he made it to the second highest one. And that even until the age of 74. Quite impressive, right?

Now it's your turn. Can you equalize Urho's score or even beat him? Give it a try. And remember, the railing doesn't count.


  1. Lol I would be lucky to reach the second step! Have you tried it yourself yet?

  2. Fourth step and I'd be finished, not Finnish.

  3. I'd slide up the rail.

  4. The easiest would probably be to make a forward dive, land with your hands on the top and roll over on your back and up on your legs again.

  5. The leap across from Australia for me to attempt this would be a more impressive feat.

  6. Can the Groke go up stairs ?
    Assuming that it like the early daleks, this seems like a very sensible security precaution for the president.

  7. I bet he could jump from Enklinge to Kumlinge with a map in his hand!

  8. It is no wonder the Finns are so good at orienteering
