
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Hello 2015!

HelsinkiIn wishes all readers a good and happy 2015!

Did you have a great celebration? Did you celebrate at home with friends and family or rather with thousands of other Helsinkian in the city center at the Senat Square?


  1. I spent New Year's Eve with friends on the ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn, where we spent New Year's Day. Something a bit different but a lot of fun!

    1. Sounds pretty cool! Maybe I'll try that as well at some point. Did you see any fireworks?

    2. Yes, lots! The ship was in Tallinn harbour by midnight and we could see them going off all around. Don't think I've ever seen so many being let off at once. The ship was good fun - lots of Finns making the most of the duty free shop, plenty of nice food in the dinner buffet, and some good live music. Was great to see Tallinn too, as the old city is beautiful. Would recommend it, although definitely worth having somewhere to catch a few hours sleep in Tallinn in the morning if you don't get any on the boat!
