
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Töölönlahti's Blue Cafe

It is one of the nicest cafes in Helsinki and right now might be the best time to visit it. The Sinisen Huvila Kahvila on Linnunlauluntie offers probably one of the best views in town. Located a litte above Töölönlahti its terrace gives you a view not just over the bay but also over many of Helsinki's landmarks such as Torni, Opera, Finlandia Talo and the National Museum.of Finland.

Sinisen Huvila Kahvila

Get a good cup of hot coffee or tea and enjoy the scenery. The best time might be during the evening hours between 17.00 and 19.00 when you can watch the sun set over the city. And if it gets to cold just grab one of the blankets.

view over Helsinki from Sinisen Huvila Kahvila

Sinisen Huvila Kahvila is open daily from 10.00 till 22.00. Stop by as long as the weather still allows it.


  1. This beautiful cafe is one of my all time favourites in Helsinki. I used to live not so far away and visited the cafe as often as I could.

    1. It really is a nice place. This week it might be a bit too wet and rainy to go there though.

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