
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Casual, central and delicious

Are you searching for a casual place with good beer and decently priced but delicious food? Then come to Café Bar 9. It's located on Uudenmaankatu and the perfect place for a filling lunch or a casual dinner.

Bar Café 9

Café Bar 9 offers a selection of sandwiches, burgers, pasta, wok, salads and soups for. Mains are around 10 - 18 € and the portions are always quite big. So don't worry about having to leave hungry. One of their all time favorites that made this place favorite is their Pollo Limonello Pasta.

Ceasar Salad and Club Sandwich at Café Bar 9

But even if you are not hungry you can alsoways drop by just for a drink and watch people pass by outside on the street.

Give it a try and enjoy!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tipping in Finland

Whenever you arrive in a new country it is important to know how the tipping in that culture works. So how does it work in Finland? (If you are a Finn, live here already or visit often, you can stop reading now)

tipping not needed

Tipping in Finland is not really common. Meaning that noone expects you to tip. Since most people pay with credit or debit card they anyway tend to just pay the basic price. And don't worry if you do that as well since the service is already included in the price.

If you like to tip anyway you can of course do that. Therefore you will sometimes find a tipping jar at a bar. Or you can also ask the waiter to type in a different amount when paying by card. There is no percentage you have to follow though. And expect to be looked at in surprise when you try to tip.

All in all Finnish pricing concept is pretty staight forward (especially compared to countries like the US). You pay the amount that is written on the bill.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Protest in wood

Did you spot this trunk in the city center next to Lasipalatsi? It is the work of artist Sanna Karlsson-Sutisna. Until the end of next week this work in progress will be still visible on the same spot while she will slowly finish the piece.

Sanna Karlosson-Sutisna's work in Helsinki

With this Sanna wants to raise attention to the bad working conditions for artists in Helsinki. According to her not just rents for studios in the city are ridiculously high. Also receiving visibility is very costly and leaves the artists in the end with a very small income.

To find out more about Sanna's art visit her website or talk to her in person this week in the center.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Weekend, sunshine!

After a cold and rainy week the weather got nice again just in time for the weekend. For the upcoming days sunshine and temperatures around 15 degrees have been predicted.

sea at Kaivopuisto

So leave the house and enjoy the beautifull fall weather. Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Three more days with over 80 movies

The Rakkautta & Anarkiaa Film Festival is slowly coming to an end. But this weekend is still packed with lots of movies. Over 80 films will still be screened throughout this weekend.

Rakkautta & Anarkiaa 2014

A perfect chance for you if you have missed out on the festival so far to still find a great movie to watch in some of the nicest cinemas in Helsinki. Have a look at the program and get some of the last tickets before the festival ends this Sunday.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Street puuro

Finns love their pordige in the morning. The so called puuro is the probably most popular and definitely one of the most traditional breakfast meals in Finland.

Elovena Puurobaari

Following the next street food trend in Helsinki the well known Finnish poridge brand Elovena offers puuro to go this year. Located right next to Vanha Ylioppilastalo it is ideal for for people working in the city center. Apart from poridge with different topings the Elovena Puurobaari of course also sells coffe. If you still want to grab your cup of puuro, be fast. The truck will just be in the center till the last day of September.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall is here

The leaves are starting to change their color and to fall. Now the colder time of the year starts. Northern and Eastern Finland thave even had the first snow already.

The good news is that after a cold and rainy week the weekend seems to get much warmer and sunnier again.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Messed up public transport

Most of you probably already made your way to the office by now and realized how complicated that is today. The metro and tram drivers in Helsinki are on strike today. And that will last for the rest of this Tuesday. Eventhough HSL has been trying to replace some of the connection with busses the whole public transport is quite a mess today.

Strike information on the HSL website

Since the strike now even spreads to commute trains and replacement busses, HSL recommends people to rather walk or use the the bike today if they can. So if you have somewhere to be today, plan enough time to get there. Reaching your destination in Helsinki could get quite tricky. For more information stay up to date on the HSL website and on YLE News.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tea for kindness

It's getting colder in Helsinki. Time to switch from cold lemonade to some good warm tea. And thanks to the guys from Clipper Tea that even comes for free. Inspired by the way Finns enjoy life despite the cold they opened a pop-up tea kiosk called Clippakioski in Kansalaispuisto next to Musiikkitalo that serves their warm delicious and organic tea. It doesn't cost you a cent. The only thing you should leave at the kiosk is a note of kindness on their blackboard. Just write something nice for the next visitors to come.

Come there, leave a note of kindness and grab a cup of Clipper tea. The kiosk is open every day till September 26.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Seurasaarenselkä in September

Even in the end of September it is still quite warm. The beautiful sunny weather allows wonderful walks through the city and along the water.

Seurasaarenselkä in September

To see how the view from Seurasaarenselkä changed during one year you can see the pictures of the previous months here.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Smartphone saver

Everyone that owns a smartphone knows the problem. At the most inconveniant time the battery runs low. Luckily there are now some rescue stations around Helsinki that help you in exactly those situations.

Phone charger at Cafe Carusel

Kännykkä Latamo has put up stations in cafés and bars around town where you can charge your smartphone again. For 1 € you get 15 minutes of charging. After putting in the money a small compartment will open where you can store your phone for the time.

Check it out.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Impressions of Helsinki

In this video by Visit Helsinki individuals from around the globe tell what they think about Helsinki.

Do you agree and what is your opinion? Leave a comment below.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Töölönlahti's Blue Cafe

It is one of the nicest cafes in Helsinki and right now might be the best time to visit it. The Sinisen Huvila Kahvila on Linnunlauluntie offers probably one of the best views in town. Located a litte above Töölönlahti its terrace gives you a view not just over the bay but also over many of Helsinki's landmarks such as Torni, Opera, Finlandia Talo and the National Museum.of Finland.

Sinisen Huvila Kahvila

Get a good cup of hot coffee or tea and enjoy the scenery. The best time might be during the evening hours between 17.00 and 19.00 when you can watch the sun set over the city. And if it gets to cold just grab one of the blankets.

view over Helsinki from Sinisen Huvila Kahvila

Sinisen Huvila Kahvila is open daily from 10.00 till 22.00. Stop by as long as the weather still allows it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

27th Rakkautta & Anarkiaa

It's time again for Rakkautta & Anarkiaa (Love & Anarchy). Tomorrow Helsinki's biggest and most polular film festival starts for the 27th time. This year around 180 featured films and 80 short films will be screened in several movie theaters around Helsinki.

ticket sales at Bio Rex

Among the movies are Finnish and international productions from well-known filmmakers as well fresh talents. A full list of all films shown at the festival as well as information about screening times and tickets can be found from the official website of Rakkautta & Anarkiaa. The main ticket sales point is as always Bio Rex in the center at Lasipalatsi.

This year selected short films will also be streamed online daily at 20.00 during the whole time of the festival under

Makes sure to check the film you want to watch is shown in a language you understand before purchasing your ticket. Enjoy the films!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jazz Finland Festival

Something great is coming up for Jazz fans again in Helsinki. This Thursday the Jazz Finland Festival 2014 starts. Until Sunday outstanding jazz performances take place in venues around the city. You get the chance to listen to some exquisite live acts played by some of Finland's finest jazz musicians.

Jazz Finland Festival 2014

Additionally the Jazz Finland Festival also includes seminars and networking events for jazz professionals. So if you are a musician yourself don't miss those.

The official opening of the festival will be on Thursday. But tomorrow there are already two first gigs at 20.00 at Koko Jazz Club and at 19.00 at Malmintalo. More information on the program and tickets can be found from the official website.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Swap your books

You just came back from a trip abroad and have finished the book you took with you. You can now take it back home and leave it in the shelf to probably never touch it again. Or you could just swap it for another one.
Book Swap at Helsinki Vantaa

On terminal 2 of the Helsinki Vantaa Airport you can find a book swap point where you can exchange your book for another from the shelf. Or just sit down in the rocking chair and grab one to read there. The service is completely free.

just grab a book from the shelf

You find the Book Swap one level above Gate 27. Check it out!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Night is falling

The days are getting shorter again. But the good thing is that this also brings the city lights back. And due to the beautiful September weather we get to see some beautiful sunsets with amazing colors in the sky.

view over the city from Torni

Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

HelsinkiIn Music Tip: Tuomo

This new category will introduce you to some of Finland's finest and most popular musician that you should check out.

Tuomo live at Tavastia with UMO

One artist you shouldn't miss out on is Tuomo. He makes excellent jazz music with occasional influences of pop and electro. In 2007 he was awarded by the Suomen Jazzliitto (Finnish Jazz Fedration) for best Finnish jazz artist. Among his biggest successes are the singles My Thing and Ordinary.

His latest album The New Mystique was released in January this year. Find out more about him and his next gigs from his website and Facebook page. Enjoy the music!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Teerenpeli on Keskuskatu

The construction work on Keskuskatu has finally been completed this summer. And with the new pavement new tenants arrived here as well. Now you can find a second Teerenpeli bar here as well. Teerenpeli Taivaanranta opened a few weeks ago.

Teerenpeli Taivaanranta

It offers the same great beers, ciders as well as snacks as the place at Kamppi. Sit next to the street or choose a table in the inner yard with a glass roof over your head.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Milk, butter and some Iittala

There are serveral small Iittala shops in and around Helsinki offering the companies wonderful glassware. But did you know that you can also get most of Iittala's classic products at many bigger supermarkets? Prisma, K-Citymarket and also Antilla have Iittala shelfs where you can actually get the same products much cheaper.

Iittala products at Prisma

Not only do they often have special offers. Also the regular prices are usually a few euros less. Take a look when you go to buy your groceries next time.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tea time at Helsinki's best hotel

Why should going out always be just about lunch and dinner? How about having a really good tea time instead? And how about having at the best hotel in the city?

Afternoon Tea at Brasserie Kämp

Hotel Kämp offers the Afternoon Tea every day in their Brasserie. And it is not just about tea. Here you can lay back and truely endulge. Choose from the selection of outstanding teas and enjoy their fine sweet and salty snacks. The Afternoon Tea includes everything you could hope for for a terrific afternoon after a hecktic work day. And all in the classy athmosphere of the Kämp Hotel.

The Afternoon Tea is served served Monday to Saturday 14.00-18.00 and Sunday 15.00-18.00. The price is 37 € per person. Make sure to reserve in advance.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MTV Push Helsinki Festival

Starting tomorrow whole Helsinki will turn into a big music happening for 72 hours. At the brand new MTV Push Helsinki Festival events, parties, workshops and gigs take place all around the city.

MTV Push Helsinki Festival

The festival ends with a huge celebration at The Circus in the city center with Finnish and international artists. Tickets for the Circus concert can be bought online already. For more information on the festival check out the MTV website.

Monday, September 8, 2014

A walk through the park

Summer is over but a beautiful fall is just about to arrive in Finland. At least according to the forecast we might have some mild and sunny weeks ahead. So why not start the week with a nice walk through the park.

Grass in Kaivopuisto

Maybe here at Kaivopuisto with a bautiful view over the city and the sea. Have a good start into the week!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Timelapse of one year in Helsinki

Check out this great video of Helsinki by Timo. It shows the city throughout the year.

Enjoy and have a nice Sunday!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Tasty makkara from Harju

The neighborhood of Harju is home to one of Helsinki's best sausage producers. Harjun Makkaratehdas produces some excellent meat products here. Their sausages have a growing fan base in and around the city. With their grilled sausages at several of Helsinki's street food events they managed to convince customers of the quality of their products.

Makkaratehdas sausages at Stockmann Herkku

Now you can also buy Makkarathedas sausages at Stockmann. They can be found in the meat department of Stockmann Herkku. The variety of flavors is huge. So give it a try and get some for your own grill at home. Enjoy!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Design Market at Kaapelitehdas

There is a lot to do this weekend. The Helsinki Design Week is on. As every year the Design Market in Kaapelitehdas is again part of it and will be held this weekend. Here you get great Finnish design products from numerous designers from around the country and if you are lucky find some amazing deals. Also several workshops are offered at the market. Music comes from DJ Borzin.

Design Market at Kaapelitehdas

The market is open both on Saturday and Sunday from 11 till 17.00. The entrance is of course for free.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Book your parking spot online

A new parking system has been put in place at the airport. You can now reserve your parking spot in advance online. Especially during the busy travelling times this makes sense and saves you not only a lot of nerves but probably also some money. Because during those times the cheaper parking lots fill up easily and you will have to go with one of the more expensive ones.

Airport parking

You can make your reservation on the Finavia website and pay right away. One spot will be reserved for you and you can enter the parking lot even if it is announced to be full.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Helsinki Design Week

Tomorrow the Helsinki Design Week starts. It is Nothern Europe's biggest design event. At its 10th anniversary the Design Week turns the city into a big meeting place for design professionals and enthusiast.
Finnish Design

Everywhere around Helsinki you can find discussion forums, seminars, workshops, exhibitions and of course also music and films. The Helsinki Design Week offers a full program with alltogether over 150 events and is on till September 14. Find out more from their website and have a great time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fruits for 1 €

Who doesn't like fresh fruits? Today and tomorrow you can still get a wide selection of fruits for a price as low as 1 € at all K-Supermarkets. This exceptional price is part of K-Markets Super Päivät and just valid until Wednesday.

You can find everything from mangos and bananas to blueberries, raspberries and much much more. The offer is just available at K-Supermarkets (no K-Extra or K-Citymarket). Check it out.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Europe in Helsinki

Does architecture interest you? And are you interested in finding out more about the history and building culture in Europe and Helsinki's role in it?

Eurooppa Helsingissä at Laituri

Then you should still visit Laituri's current exhibition "Europe in Helsinki" wich deals with exactly this topic. Here Europe's architectural history of over 3000 years is devided into 300-year periods and presented in a easily understandable way.

The exhibition was developed in a cooperation of the Tampere University of Technology and the Helsinki City Planning Department. It is still open for visitors until September 6. As always the entrance is for free.