
Friday, February 28, 2014

A drink over the rooftops

Loiste is has a wonderful terrace in the summertime. But also during this time of year it's worth a visit. Also from inside you have a beautiful view over the city. From up here you can see Mannerheimintie, Kamppi Kauppakeskus, Narinkka and more. And if you come here in the evening you have the nice asset of seeing the city's lights (something that doesn't have the same effect in summer).

Loiste bar

They serve some nice cocktails up here and you will also find some good wines and beers from the tap.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sit down and read

Akateeminen Bookstore in the city center is definitely one of the best bookstores you can find in Finland. And did you can also come there to just read into a book first before buying it.

Reading sofas at Akateeminen

On the first floor you find a few sofas hidden between the book shelves. Grab a book and get comfortable here. It's actually quite a nice athmosphere as well. You also find a tablet attached to each sofa that can give you an overview over Akateeminen's catalouge.

Check it out and enjoy your book!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Here comes the sun

How nice it is to see the sun again. Feels like the beginning of spring already. And it seems like we should get some more of this beautiful weather at least for a few more days.

Sun over the sea at Lauttasaari

Enjoy it! Maybe with a nice walk along the sea.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Get your work done at the Urban office

If you work as an entrepeneur or freelancer and don't have your own office you might realize that at times it might be quite tough to stay motivated and focused while working at home. Sure there are libraries and cafés or you could just rent a desk at one of the open offices in town. But the easiest way is to just use Helsinki's and Espoo's Urban Offices.

Urban Office at Lasipalatsi

There are four different location where you can just come and work on your projects at no costs whatsoever. Especially nice is the one right in the center in Lasipalatsi. One level up from Café Lasipalatsi you find plenty of space to work. And if you like, just grab a cup of coffee, a sandwhich or a muffin from the café below or have a lunch break down there.

Of course you have a free wifi connection there as well as access to meeting rooms, presentation technology and printer (printing is not for free). And if you have any question just ask the friendly receptionist. For more information and to find out more about the different locations visit the Urban Office website.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Blini at the Glas Palace

Ravintola Lasipalatsi is one of the oldest and most traditional restaurants in the city center of Helsinki. It is always worth a visit but if you like Finnish blinis then you should go there during the next week.

Ravintola Lasipalatsi

Till March 10 the blini weeks are still ongoing at Ravintola Lasipalatsi. That mean that in addition to their usual menu they offer several all-you-can-eat blini menus. You can choose between three or six toppings (like fish roe with smetana, smoked salmon, shrimps and more). Your waiter will bring a freshly baked blini to your table as soon as you have finished the last one. And they are really good at that. But you will most likely anyway not be able to eat more then three to four of them.

Blini at Ravintola Lasipalatsi

But also outside the blini time Lasipalatsi is a great place to visit. Since it's located right in the city center you have a wonderful view towards the busy Mannerheimintie while enjoy your food and drinks. Also the interior is worth mentioning. Lasipalatsi hasn't undergone any major rennovations since it was built in the 30s and has kept the functionalist idea and flair really well.

So check it out and enjoy some exceptionally good blinis.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Seurasaarenselkä in February

This is the new spot for the monthly picture. It's taken from the bridge between Lauttasaari and Kaskisaari with a view over Seurasaarenselkä.

Seurasaarenselkä in February

Due to almost constant plus degrees the ice is already slowly melting here.

Let's see how it will look next month. Will the ice already be gone completely by then?

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Mexican from Shanghai

Do you already have some plans for the next days? What about a lovely dinner with delicious Mexican food?

Shanghai Cowboy in Helsinki

One of the best Mexican places you can find in Helsinki is Shanghai Cowboy. Well, and as the name already suggests it's not pure Mexican but Mexican fusion kitchen with a hint of Asia.

The here has a really fresh taste and the combinations they use remind a bit of Farang and Gaijin. Still it's a completely different experience. Try e.g. their Salmon on Stone Bread which is a good started to share for two.

A wonderful main dish (also good for sharing) are the Beef Tacos. The absolute highlight from their kitchen are the Choclate and Coke Ribs. You'll love them, believe me. And don't let the name scare you away. You can check out the whole menu from their website.

Shanghai Cowboy is located at Erottaja and shares entrance and premises with Adam's. It's a rather small restaurant so get a reservation especially if you plan on coming here during the weekend.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Skating at the Olympic Stadium

Wouldn't it be cool to once skate inside the Olympic Statium in front of the ranks that are normally crowded with peope for big sports events or gigs?

This weekend you still can. Today (10:00 - 20:00), tomorrow (10:00 - 18:00) and on Sunday (10:00 - 18:00) the ice rink inside the stadium is still open for the public. The entrance fee is 3 € for adults, 1,50 € for kids and under 7 years free.

You just have to bring your own skates. They don't have a skate rental service.

Have a nice weekend!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

One year ago...

Pretty much one year ago it looked like this in Helsinki. Temperatures were way below zero, the sky was clear, the sun was shining and there was a thick layer of ice on the sea.

February 2013 in Helsinki

Which weather do you prefer? Last year's or this year's?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Brooklyn's best

The Brooklyn Café in Frederikinkatu is probably one of the nicest small, cute cafés Helsinki has. And their pastry is just amazing. It's freshly made every day by the two owners and one of the best things about this wonderful place.

Brklyn Bakery on Frederikinkatu

Did you know that it's also possible to have their gorgeous cakes, muffins, cupcakes and more also as a take away? Just a few meters up the street from the café you find the Brklyn Bakery that has all those wonderful treats for you to take home with you.

Check it out and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How's Pasila gonna look?

During the next years some areas in Helsinki will undergo massive changes. One of them is Pasila. A new train station with a whole new block of modern and functional buildings will help to connect East and West Pasila and at the same time make the whole area more attractive.

Pasila 3.0 exhibition at Laituri

If you already want to see today how it's going to look there in a few years you should pay a visit to Laituri. Till the end of April the Pasila 3.0 exhibition is on display there. And along with pictures and explainations you can even take an interactive virtual 3D tour through new Pasila with Oculus goggles.

Check it out. The entrance is as always free and it's worth a visit.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Wine at the supermarket

In Finland wine can't be bough at the supermarket but just at the state owned Alko shops, right?

light wines on the shelf in Finnish supermarket

Well, not exactly. At bigger supermarkets you will indeed also find some wine on the shelves next to the beer and cider. Those are no normal wines though but light wines. Since they have less than five percent of alcohol they can be sold at supermarkets as well.

So if you see them maybe give them a try. But be warned, they taste not like real wine and are also not much cheaper. An additional visit to Alko might make sense.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Skiing just outside Helsinki

During the next days the temperatures should drop a bit below zero again. This might be one of the last chances to go skiing. And if you are more into downhill then cross country skiing you can visit one of the skiing areas just outside Helsinki.

Skibus to Vihti

One destination that is nice and easy to reach from Helsinki is the Vihti skiing area. During the winter there are daily busses getting you there. The ride including one day skiing pass is 39 €. The bus leaves from Rauttatientori every morning at 9:15. During the trip it stops several times picking up more people e.g. in Lauttasaari, Tapiola and Kainianen. You have the whole day in Vihti before arriving back in the center around 17:00.

For more information on the skiing area and the bus timetable check the official website.

Have fun!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

First food carnival 2014

Tomorrow is Restaurant Day. The first one in 2014. Again hundreds of pop-up restaurants will open in and around Helsinki. So forget your lunch and dinner plans and eat out.

pop-up restaurant in a basement

The mild temperatures should make the waiting and eating outside much more barable than normally around this time of year.

To find out what delicacies you can get where tomorrow check out the Ravintolapäivä website as always or install their app.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Friend's Day!

Today is Valentine's Day. In Finland it's called Ystävänpäivä though. This translates into Friend's Day and has a broader meaning then in just to be a day for lovers.

Remember Friend's Day!

So, all you singles outside there don't get frustrated but rather spend the day with a good friend. And all you couples have a romantic Valentine's Day. And of course all of you have a great start into the weekend!

Hyvää ystävänpäivää!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Abi in Helsinki

One your way to work this morning you might have been wondering "What's up with all those dressed up youngsters on the street?". Well, today is not a normal day at highschools in Helsinki. The 12th graders celebrate their A-levels and turn every school into a madhouse.

Abi in Helsinki

In the early afternoon at around 13:00 all highschool graduates will come together for a big parade on trucks through the city center. If you happen to be in the center come to Esplanadi and follow it. It's quite fun to watch.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Folding away the snow

When snow and melting weather follow each other like these days something like this can be the result.

Folding away the snow

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pizza and bar in the center

Some say it's the only real Italian pizza place in Helsinki. Others just go there for the athmosphere. Putte's is a nice and very centrally located pizzeria in Kalevankatu.

Pizza at Putte in Helsinki

You won't find any fancy pizza topping like at Skiffer here but if you are more into the standards like salami, funghi and margherita this is definately the place to go. 

It's also a nice hangout for a beer or wine after work and since it's so spacious you should always be able to find a table (at least during the week).

Check it out!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Is the winter over?

Snow and ice are melting due to temperatures above zero during the last days.

slush on the streets in Helsinki

Is the winter already over or is there going to be a Takatalvi (after winter)? What do you think?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Flea market in Kattilahalli

Flea markets are quite popular in Finland. Around this time of the year they are of course much better held inside then on a square in the slush.

indoor flea market in Helsinki

If you are also a fan of flea markets you should come to Kalasatama where the brand new Kattilahalli openes with a flea market from 12 till 17.

Delicious warm and cold vegan, raw, gluten-free and organic food is being provided by Niia's Healthy Kitchen.

Check it out and have a nice Sunday!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Räyhäbox 2014

Are you up for a nice gig tonight? Well then you should head to Korjaamo in Töölö. Tonight this year's Räyhäbox will take place here with lots of good bands to check out.

Gig in Helsinki

And this is what you shouldn't miss:

22:30 EL PAJA
23:30 KERMA

The doors open at 19:30 and entrance is 15 €.

Enjoy the night and the music!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Two years HelsinkiIn

Today HelsinkiIn celebrates its second birthday. It's already two years ago that this blog went online. Since last year HelsinkiIn is reachable under its .com-domain.

Two years of HelsinkiIn

Thanks everyone for reading, following, commenting, messaging, liking, retweeting, favoriting and staying tuned!

HelsinkiIn is looking forward to another year full of great events to go, places to visit, things to know and to see.

If you have suggestions and ideas how to make HelsinkiIn better or just want to leave a note on how you like this blog, leave a comment or drop me a line or two through the contact form.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A taste of Asia at Gaijin

One of my all time favorite restaurants in Helsinki is for sure Farang. Fortunately the owners of this lovely place also have two other restaurants in the city one of which is Gaijin.
Gaijin follows Farang's footsteps a bit, but is still a completely different experience after all. Their menu takes you to North Asia and also manages to surprise with a unique combination of tastes and flavors.The interior is more cozy and intimate then what you might know from Farang.

I would highly recommend a tasting menu here as well. Those menus of around eight to ten small dishes will make your taste buds celebrate. 


Enjoy some Soft Shell Crab with apple and fennel, flavored with honey, mirin and hazelnut.


And get carried away by the tenderness and taste of the Baby Back Pork Ribs.

Gaijin also has really nice cocktails. You should consider having one as an aperitif.

Prices are in the same range at Farang. But the money you pay definitely pays off. Don't forget to make a reservation in advance!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Runebergin Päivä

Johan Ludvig Runeberg is considered one of the most important Finnish poets of all times. As every February 5 his birthday is celebrated today with a flying flag and of course with Runebergin torttu.

Runebergin torttu

You shouldn't miss out on them. They are available in supermarkets, cafés and restaurants and are quite delicious. Runebergin torttu is made with almonds, icing and raspberry jam.

Hyvää Runebergin päivää!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Little Big Lunch

In case you are in the Jätkäsaari or Ruoholahti area during lunch check out Little Big Cafe at Verkkokauppa. It's a great small place that has quite nice lunch offers. You can either decide on one of the three normal lunch offer of which one is always either a salad or soup. Otherwise get one of their delicious pies, sandwhiches or especially hot dogs that come in many different kinds.

They also have nice deserts if you are up for something sweet afterwards.

Little Big Cafe in Jätkäsaari

During the winter you can only visit their cafe on the second floor. In spring they also open an outside take-away that offers some other food as well.

So check it out now and again when the snow is gone.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Need directions?

The Metro takes you all the way from the very East to the West of Helsinki. Additional to that the direction signs at the sealing of Kamppi Metro Station might give you some idea where elso you could go. But definately not by metro.
directions at Kamppi Metro station

Have you spotted them before?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Movies, candies and books

What about a nice movie this Sunday night? But there is nothing good on tv? Well, why not rent a movie the old traditional way and go get a DVD?

Filmtown in Helsinki

Filmtown is a nice place for that. Here you can not only get your favorite movie but also everything else that belongs to a great movie night like candies and ice cream. And for those of you how are not really into movies after all they lately started selling books as well.

Should you be a real movie freak then get their membership card for 7 € a year and get discounts on every movie you rent.

Filmtown can be found at several locations in and around town. To find the closest one to you check out their website.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Snow! Snow! Snow!

After just a little bit of snow during January this February starts really white. Since yesterday the snow doesn't stop anymore and according to the weather forecast it will keep on snowing till Monday.

snow during the night

Don't get los in the snow and have a great white weekend!