
Friday, January 3, 2014

Start Up Sauna

Innovation is the engine driving the Finnish economy. To support good new ideas not getting lost but actually turning into real businesses the state supports start ups where it can. But also other institutions are doing their part. 

Start Up Sauna in Espoo

Aalto University opened the Start Up Sauna a few years ago. The old warehouse on the campus in Otaniemi is now home to many small business that are trying to find their way to big success. Here they can rent cheap rooms and set up their first own office. But even entrepreneurs without any cash for rent can come here in work for free in the open space. 

For those of you working on a new business themselves this might be a great opportunity to get away from your desks at home and also get some idea exchange with other curious minds from the capital area.

For more information and to find out what's happening at the Sauna visit the official website.

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