
Thursday, January 2, 2014

It's your turn

On HelsinkiIn I try to provide you with useful and up-to-date information about things to know, do and see in Helsinki. But of course there is always something that I miss and that would be nice to share with the readers of HelsinkiIn.

HelsinkiIn contact form

That is why I need your help. If you hear or know of something that you think should be posted about here and you think more people should know about (that could be events, tips about cool locations or anything else interesting) please drop me a line through the contact form or in the comments.

I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you!

1 comment:

  1. Have you been to Laajalahti Nature Reserve in Espoo? There is a nice nature trail and two bird watching towers. You could do a blog post on that :)
