
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Horizon for a clean Baltic Sea

Should you walk along Länsisatama on at Jätkäsaari you will spot a rather new installation. Many small silver tiles in the shape of a wave form a long wall together.

Horizon at Jatkasaari

It is called Horizon was erected to thank the donors for the Clean Baltic Sea Campaign (John Nurminen Foundation). Each donor that supported the project got their own tile with their name on it. The length of Horizon of 54 meters corresponds with the average depth of the Baltic Sea. The designer Hannu Kähönen wanted to highlight the vulnerability of the Baltic Sea that way.

The Clean Baltic Sea Campaign is part of the Baltic Sea Challenge, a project by the City of Helsinki and the City of Turku started in 2007 to improve the status of their coastal waters and the whole Baltic Sea.

Click the links to find out more about both projects.

1 comment:

  1. This looks really nice, have to go and have a look when in Helsinki next!
