
Friday, June 21, 2013

Hyvää Juhannusta!

Today is Juhannus, the Finnish midsummer. Most people have left the city to spend it with family and friends on their summer cottages.

The city might appear like a ghost town since most places – even bars and pubs – will be closed. But there is still something going on here during Juhannus.

Juhannus tree at Seurasaari
Juhannus tree at Seurasaari
Experience for example the traditional midsummer celebration at Seurasaari where the big Juhannus kokot (fires) are lit. The celebration starts at 18:00 and continues till late at night. The entrance fee is 18 €. Kids under 15 years are free.

Or see the big Juhannus fire further outside on the island of Pihlajasaari. A boat takes you there from next to Café Carusel. The fire is lit at 21:00.

Have a great Juhannus!

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