
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sun again!

As Ilta Sanomat announced this is the darkest winter in Finland in over 50 years. During the last 2.5 months Jyväskylä which is around 3 hours north of Helsinki has just had 18 hours of sunshine all together. In some parts of the world you get this amount of sunshine within two days.

But it seems like the winter wants to make up for those dark times now. The sun came out again. And the good news is that the worst part is over. Spring is ahead even though it doesn’t always feel like it.

So be patient and enjoy every minute of sun you can get.


  1. Dear HelsinkiIn,

    Sorry for sending you this through comments, but I couldn't find your e-mail address anywhere. I came across your blog and found it to be a good source of information about Helsinki. My company publishes an iPhone app consisting of self-guided walking tours in Helsinki. However, these walking tours were compiled three years ago and some of the information may be out of date. We would like to invite you and your blog readers to review the tour content and give us feedback.

    If you would be willing to post a "Looking for reviews" announcement for us, we will offer you 25 promo codes for our iOS walking tour apps. Each of these is good for a free walking tour iPhone app download, normally priced at US$4.99. We have walking tour apps covering all major cities in the world and you may use the promo codes for whatever purpose you see fit. The bloggers we have worked with before often use the promo codes to host a photo/writing contest or reward readers for making comments to their blog posts.

    For readers who send us useful feedback, we will also offer free promo codes.

    If you are interested, I can send you the proposed announcement for your review. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Xena Copilova

  2. I'm from Helsinki but I live in southern Italy... it has been a rainy and cloudy winter here too, with very little sun compared to normal. Funny sort of winter this year... =)
