
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

More value for the lunch break

Did you know that most Finnish companies support their employees’ lunch financially? In a lot of companies you receive up to 20 lunch vouchers every month. Depending on the company they can have different values. In most cases they are worth around 8 Euros each. Around two third of the value is taken directly from the employee’s salary. The rest is paid by the employer.

In most companies you can decide how many vouchers you want to receive per month. If definitely makes sense though to always take the full amount since you can not only during lunch hours but also at any other time with them. Most restaurants have special lunch offers around 8 to 10 Euros and almost all of them accept the vouchers. And even in some supermarkets you can use them.

What you should know though is that you can’t pay any alcohol with lunch voucher and that you don’t receive any change if you pay with them.

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