
Friday, May 4, 2012

Drinks at the carpet pier

The weekend starts today and hopefully has some nice sunshine for us again. One way of enjoying the good weather in a beautiful surrounding is to go to Mattolaituriat Kaivopuisto. The café and bar just reopened again for the summer and is right next to the sea. Mattolaituri means carpet pier and actually describes the small pier next to the bar where Finns can come to wash their carpets and hang them to dry in the sun.

Mattolaituri is just a bar with a terrace.  It doesn’t offer any inside sitting possibilities. With good weather it’s the perfect spot to have a coffee or a beer though. While enjoying your drink and wrapping yourself up in a blanket you have a scenic view over the small islands in front of the Helsinki shore line.

Mattolaituri is quite pricy though. For a cappuccino you have to pay 4 Euros. But it’s also the place where the high society goes. If you keep your eyes open you might spot one or two Finnish celebrities.


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