
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

World’s Best Pizza

Did you know that according to America’s Plate International Pizza Competition the best pizza in the world is sold by the Finnish pizza chain Kotipizza?

And there is actually a funny story behind the award winning pizza: Having visited Finland the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi complained about the horrible Finnish cuisine and how it would in no way be comparable to Italian food. To make fun of him Kotipizza created a rye pizza with smoked reindeer and named it after Berlusconi. In 2008 the pizza won the title “Best Pizza in the Word” winning against a competing pizza from Italy.

But apart from Berlusconi they also have some other really good pizzas. Try for example their BBQ Kotzone or the amazingly delicious Burgerpizza.


  1. Ha! The story behind the pizza is hilarious. Rye crust with smoked reindeer sounds excellent. I don't care what Berlusconi says about his namesake. ;)

    1. Yes, even though it has a horrible name the pizza is really good. And quite Finnish. Tastes pretty different from the usual stuff.

  2. Key words here.......last sentence..........TASTES PRETTY DIFFERENT FROM THE USUAL STUFF........I can only imagine..........keep the faith

  3. The name is perfect, its the same smart sense of humor Finns have, just like the Molotov Cocktail, now that's a name for a petrol bomb that almost everyone understands the meaning of....just good ole Finnish smartass humor! Love it!!!

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